Added option to skip time meta data with skip_time_metadata
(Adds 0001-01-01 01:01:01
to time)
New Option:
New operation property when using Python, you can now choose what objects to export by!
Limitations: it can only export out objects by, and the input list needs to be converted to a string. If the names_of_objects_to_export string is not "", it will ovveride the other export settings
Python Example:
Get objects example 1
objs_by_name_list = []
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if obj.display_type != "WIRE":
Get objects example 2
objs_by_name_list = ["Suzanne", "Cylinder", "Cube"]
Export the objects in the list, remember that the list needs to be converted to a string!
bpy.ops.export_scene.faster_fbx(names_of_objects_to_export = str(objs_by_name_list), filepath=path_to_your_export)```
Exporting out only the visible objects should now be marginally faster and more reliable.
Compersion of how long it takes to get the visiable objects in a big scene:
Before: 0.0240 seconds
After: 0.001 seconds
Fixed small error
Initial Release