This is a fork of the default .fbx exporter for Blender that can be substantially faster than the standard slower .fbx exporter in Blender.
Another change is that "Export Selected" is now on by default.
The export operation now supports exporting out objects by their object name! This makes it a lot easier to export out specific objects, without needing to care about there current selection or visibilty status and can be way faster performance wise!
Get objects example 1
objs_by_name_list = []
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if obj.display_type != "WIRE":
Get objects example 2
objs_by_name_list = ["Suzanne", "Cylinder", "Cube"]
Exporting out the objects in the list, just remember that the list needs to be converted to a string!
bpy.ops.export_scene.faster_fbx(names_of_objects_to_export = str(objs_by_name_list), filepath=path_to_your_export)
Added option to skip time meta data with skip_time_metadata
(Adds 0001-01-01 01:01:01
to time)
This extension requests the following permission:
Export .fbx files