Having access to ALL the brushes in one place is a great idea BUT... This addon has one FATAL flaw that makes it pointless: the brushes are buried in a submenu. WHY? It claims to be "fast access", brushes should be in the top menu all other options and do-dads are superfluous and are easily changed elsewhere in the software. It should be press spacebar select brush. That's it. Now that I think about it that should be the Blender's default functionality not the current setup that shows only one brush per type. Its just silly.
I agree with the previous commentor, although it was useful for quick sculpting when no custom brushes are added. Also, burying brushes did hamper the speed. And now, with 4.3 and the new brushes as assets, the brush selector (even though it is a bit clunky), this addon is no longer necessary without further functionality updates.