This add-on adds the ability to create a custom set of grid scales in the Viewport Overlays panel and easily switch between them on the fly. This is similar to options available in Maya and Unreal Engine.
This is very useful when sticking to increments across software as it allows you to set a custom list of the same increments you use in other software like Unreal Engine.
The default keys are the bracket keys with [ moving down the list of custom grid scales, and ] moving up the list. These can be changed in the keymap preferences.
icon used from freepik.
Updated to expose the keymaps to the add-on preferences as requested.
This extension does not require special permissions.
Thank you for your review! These are great suggestions, when I get some time (hopefully soon) I will add them :) Thank you again!
Whilst it is a start, without the ability to alter grid subdivisions it is limiting.
Hi Alevi, I'm not quite sure exactly what you mean as you can alter the scales in the Viewport Overlays panel. If you mean something else please reply and I can work on adding it to the add-on :)
Very useful!. But I can change the grid scale exclusively in "Edit Mode", I wanna use also in "Object Mode"
Hi @rafaeltas, thanks so much for your review. I think you might have a keybind conflict for Object Mode. Some keybinds are specific to different modes. Would you mind checking if that is the problem? You should be able to change your grid scale in Object mode too! Thanks :)
After changing a keymap conflict the addon works great, however it would be better if the grid scale list was saved instead of resetting with each session. I suspect you might need to move the list from Viewport Overlays to the addon preferences. Also, increasing the maximum grid scale to at least 128, would be helpful when working with powers of 2. Thanks and keep up the great work!