CSal90066 v1.1.0 1 mo Amazing work - this toolset has convinced me to unbox that pilot episode I wrote, and now I believe I can actually make the POC sample for investors! Holy S#!t
Fruity-1 v1.0.1 1 mo does this work with the line art modifier? Want my strokes to use this custom brush set
Nolan-7 v1.0.4 3 mo This is one of the best free add-ons I have found in quite a while! Thank you Blender Studio team.
JoekrXYZ v1.0.4 3 mo actually, a super simple and amazing addon for stylized strokes on meshes (or anything really)
Amazing work - this toolset has convinced me to unbox that pilot episode I wrote, and now I believe I can actually make the POC sample for investors! Holy S#!t