Gizmodal Ops takes the Gizmo workflow from other 3D software (tap a key to show the transform, rotation or scale gizmo) and blends this seamlessly with Blender's Modal workflow (for precise transforms, rotations and scaling).
Gizmodal Ops "listens" to your keystrokes and changes the workflow depending on your input. For example, a single key press keeps the Gizmo visible, but multiple key presses changes your scene to a Modal workflow. (Click the video link for a better explanation on how this works).
This harmonised workflow is perfect for people coming from other 3D programs without sacrificing the benefits of Blender's modal operations. Ideal for first-time users and Blender veterans alike.
Using Gizmodal Ops is a much more intuitive way of working which you will need to experience to understand and appreciate fully.
When using Blender, the shortcuts G / R / S enable the corresponding Gizmos. Press X / Y / Z to activate the Modal Operator:
Pressing G / R / S and moving the mouse enables the modal operator as well:
This release fixes Gizmodal Ops for Blender 4.4 The breaking change is documented here:
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Hi, i can´t use on blender 4.4, please update it. Thanks a lot.
This is perfect. Been using it for 2 weeks or so and I can't live without it. When will it be updated to work with Blender 4.4? Not working right now. Thank you.
Thank you for your awesome feedback :) I have published a new version now that should fix Gizmodal Ops for Blender 4.4
I've gotten do used to using it, I am having a hard time without it in Blender 4.4 until it gets an update!!!