One of the rare add-ons I use in all my projects. It's easy to use with minimal settings to tweak. I love the array on curve and array on grid features. It saves me a huge amount of time. Special mention for the scatter with snap asset! The new window feature is absolutely incredible!
I use it for years now, powerfull tools to speed up your workflow in Archviz. The underrated tool "Geopack" to Create, Store, Share and Re-use (in a pie Menu) all your Geonodes helped me a lot to improve my skills in GeoNodes! Tks for this awesome addon ;) 💚⭐💚
Thanks ! I guess you'll enjoy the pie menu tools =)
Antoine has been one of the generous addon developers . He has kept a great chunk of his bagapie addon free for all to use. If you like it you can get all the upgraded tier by paying a fair price to buy the paid modules. I really respect his approach for this. On top this addon really spikes up the workflow and has never given trouble across versions , having said that if you do have issues , he will address them if you message on the discord channel . Thank you forever for doing this for the community Antoine !