[Fix] Geometry Tools isn't working
[Fix] "Cleanup Empties" works incorrect with option "Also delete empty meshes"
Add/replace/remove postfix _LOD* with a selected LOD level.
Batch assignment of UV seams to models directly from Object Mode.
Remove duplicate materials (by name). Useful when importing many models with the same materials but from different files. In this case, Blender creates many copies of the materials. This function allows you to find and assign the original materials to all models.
In game development, objects with negative scale should be avoided (especially colliders or other physical objects). This tool allows you to find such objects.
Removing empty spaces under which there are no objects and meshes without geometry.
Remove stitches one by one (starting from the selected edge). Perfect for simplifying cylindrical geometry.
Collapses edges one by one (along the loop). Perfect for simplifying spherical geometry.
No changelog for this release.