ACT is Many Tools for Game Asset Creation (Batch Export FBXs/GLTF for Unity/UE/Godot, Origin Aligment Tool, Renaming, UV Tools, Low-Poly Art workflow tools, etc.) for Blender.
Origin Tools
- Align Origin To Max/Min/Middle point of object for X, Y or Z axis
- Align Origin To 3D Cursor(Separate Axis) or Selection (In Edit Mode)
Renaming Tools
- Custom Objects Numbering by Axis/Outliner order
- Add/Remove LOD to Name
- Add .L or .R suffix to Bones
UV Tools
- Batch Renaming UV by Index (example, Lightmap - second uv channel)
- Batch Add UV with custom name (copy UV from active, smart projection or lightmap uv)
- Batch Remove UV by Index
- Set Active UV Layer for Selected Objects in 3D View and Image/UV Editor by UV Index
- Batch Assign Seams from UV
- Tool for easier Atlas Packing (Scale and Move UV with Steps)
Export Tools
Batch Export Selected Objects for Unity, UE or Godot. Available some modes:
- Export All Selected Object into One file
- Export Each Object into Individual file
- Batch Objects by Parent
- Batch Objects by Collection
Material/Texture Tools
- Material -> Viewport Colors
- Random Material Viewport Colors
- Clear Viewport Colors
- Clear Vertex Colors
- Delete Unused Materials from Objects
- Create Palette Texture (from colorful materials. For Low-Poly Art or Cartoon Pipeline)
- Open Texture from selelcted material in UV Editor (Object/Edit/UV Editor Mode)
- Assign Active Material To Selected Faces (in MultiEdit Mode)
- Cleanup Duplicated Materials
Other Tools
- Obj Name -> Data Name
- Collection Name -> Obj Name
- Clear Custom Normals
- Flip/Calculate Normals
- Select Objects with Negative Scale
- Cleanup Empties
- Merge Bones (Armature Edit Mode)
Geometry Tools
- Dissolve Checker Loops
- Collapse Checker Edges
Watch Features Overview on Youtube
If you want to support the development of the addon you can do it here or here
Use it daily for years now, really great addon.