ACT is Many Tools for Game Asset Creation (Batch Export FBXs/GLTF for Unity/UE/Godot, Origin Aligment Tool, Renaming, UV Tools, Low-Poly Art workflow tools, etc.) for Blender.
Origin Tools
- Align Origin To Max/Min/Middle point of object for X, Y or Z axis
- Align Origin To 3D Cursor(Separate Axis) or Selection (In Edit Mode)
Renaming Tools
- Custom Objects Numbering by Axis/Outliner order
- Add/Remove LOD to Name
- Add .L or .R suffix to Bones
UV Tools
- Batch Renaming UV by Index (example, Lightmap - second uv channel)
- Batch Add UV with custom name (copy UV from active, smart projection or lightmap uv)
- Batch Remove UV by Index
- Set Active UV Layer for Selected Objects in 3D View and Image/UV Editor by UV Index
- Batch Assign Seams from UV
- Tool for easier Atlas Packing (Scale and Move UV with Steps)
Export Tools
Batch Export Selected Objects for Unity, UE or Godot. Available some modes:
- Export All Selected Object into One file
- Export Each Object into Individual file
- Batch Objects by Parent
- Batch Objects by Collection
Material/Texture Tools
- Material -> Viewport Colors
- Random Material Viewport Colors
- Clear Viewport Colors
- Clear Vertex Colors
- Delete Unused Materials from Objects
- Create Palette Texture (from colorful materials. For Low-Poly Art or Cartoon Pipeline)
- Open Texture from selelcted material in UV Editor (Object/Edit/UV Editor Mode)
- Assign Active Material To Selected Faces (in MultiEdit Mode)
- Cleanup Duplicated Materials
Other Tools
- Obj Name -> Data Name
- Collection Name -> Obj Name
- Clear Custom Normals
- Flip/Calculate Normals
- Select Objects with Negative Scale
- Cleanup Empties
- Merge Bones (Armature Edit Mode)
Geometry Tools
- Dissolve Checker Loops
- Collapse Checker Edges
Watch Features Overview on Youtube
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